For students who are undecided about their future career, we again discuss their skills and hopes for the future in an effort to direct them towards a suitable degree course. The Ariston Test is another tool we can offer to assist those who are confused or conflicted. Because of the high standard of education available, most students opt to continue their studies within the United Kingdom.
However, we can also advise and assist with applications to other European destinations and, if desired, the USA.
Please be assured that every establishment recommended by us is recognised worldwide as a principal educational institution offering the highest standards of tuition and support.

At Unistudies we will take care of this part of your preparation for studies. Most people don’t realise it, but organising your accommodation is often the most complex piece of the whole application process, as all institutions have their own way of allocating rooms for students. This is where you are at the complete mercy of the university. Many universities offer alternative accommodation when the postgraduate students leave in October. So, if you don’t get your first choice, don’t worry, you can be reallocated then.
Cypriot students usually want en-suite accommodation, which means that you have your own bathroom facilities. Rooms are arranged in groups of 6-8 student rooms and each group shares a kitchen and living area. In many university towns, such as Manchester and Leicester, there are also private Halls of Residence, which all have good facilities for students who don’t want to share a bathroom.
How to write a Personal Statement
Because universities have to choose from many thousands of applicants, they want those whom they think will be most successful in their courses. They do this by reading your personal statement and reference. Admissions tutors are looking for a person who really loves their subject – don’t forget that they have spent many years studying it. They are going to pick someone who can show innovation, creativity, personality and willpower. Writing about yourself is very difficult. In order to help you put together a personal statement that will set you apart from the other applicants, you have to think about the following questions. Brainstorm your answers for each one. Once you’ve done this you can start writing it up. You might not have something to write for all of them, but don’t worry, you’ll be surprised at how many things you can say about yourself!- What do want to study at university and why?
- Why do you want to study in the UK?
- What specific aspects of the course interest you?
- What examples of schoolwork have you completed that gave you an insight into the subject
- What practical work have you enjoyed?
- What things have you read that are related to your chosen course?
- Do you have work experience or have you done voluntary work in this area of expertise?
- Conferences you have attended?
- Which personal experiences have led to the decision to pursue this subject
- Where do you hope your degree with lead?
- What experiences show you are a reliable and responsible person?
- Part-time job?
- Business enterprise?
- Have you done any community or charity work?
- Helping out at school events/open days etc.?\
- What national or international events have you participated in and what have you gained from these experiences?
- What are your interests and skills?
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- Sport and leisure activities?
- Any musical abilities?
- Languages you speak?
- Prizes or awards you have won?
- Why you are taking a Gap Year (if you are)?\
- What do you plan to do in your Gap Year?
- How will this relate to your course?