At Xenion High School we understand that education is so much more than mere knowledge. That’s why we work to develop the whole person – to enhance their creative, emotional and social skills as well as provide them with subject skills and knowledge. Our students are encouraged to explore, to inquire and to experiment in everything they do here and helped to express themselves in the widest possible range of ways.
Learning is hard work: it demands a level of concentration, effort and sheer staying power that can sometimes seem overwhelming. However, when lessons are fun and learning is a pleasure everything is possible. Our teachers are creative, imaginative and original in the way they develop stimulating lessons and this high interest level motivates our students to always do their very best, leading to success and accomplishment which, in turn, provide their own motivation.
It seems obvious but, in any endeavour the foundations must be solid. Xenion High School provides an educational foundation that students can build on no matter where they continue their school careers. Our broad-based programme – drawing on the best of both the Cypriot and the British primary curricula ensures that whether they go to high school here in Cyprus or abroad; in the state or the private sector they will have at their fingertips all the skills and knowledge they will they need

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