Years 1-3
In the first three years the School provides a high standard of general education using modern teaching methods and resources.
Subjects | ||
English | History | Religious Education |
Modern Greek | Physics | Art |
Classical Studies | Chemistry | Music |
German / French | Biology | Physical Education |
Mathematics | Geography | Health and Nutrition |
Information Technology | World History | Global Citizenship |
Social Studies | STEM | English Literature |
Mythology |
Where a subject must be taught in Greek, alternative subjects in English are offered to foreign students.
Years 4-5
In the fourth and fifth years all students follow a programme of foundation subjects. This consists of eight compulsory subjects and five options. At the end of the fifth year, students sit examinations in eight subjects at IGCSE level.
Compulsory Subjects: |
English |
Mathematics |
Modern Greek |
Social Studies |
Religious Education |
History |
Travel and Tourism |
Classical Studies |
Physical Education |
Optional Subjects: | |
Accounting | English Literature |
Ancient Greek | Maths/Further Maths |
Biology | Art |
Business Studies | French |
Chemistry | Geography |
Economics | German |
Computer Science | World History |
Physics | Latin |
Law |
In years six and seven all students decide which of two courses they wish to follow:
- Preparation for Cypriot and Greek Universities:
Students do not follow the ‘A Level” course after the 5th year but are prepared by being taught their chosen subjects in Greek.
- Preparation for direct entry into UK, EU or US Universities:
For British universities students choose between three and five A Level subjects. They take the AS examinations in year six and complete their A Levels in year 7. For American universities students are additionally prepared for TOEFL and SAT exams in their seventh year. Students have the option of taking five A Levels. They can choose any subject from the optional subjects lists above.

STEAME Programme
Key Features of STEAME Education are Interdisciplinary Learning – combination of subjects and encouraging of critical thinking, creativity and problem-solving, Project-Based Learning – working on real-world problems, developing teamwork, communication and leadership abilities, Incorporation of Arts – promotion of creativity and innovation, Entrepreneurial Thinking – focusing on idea generation, business acumen and turning innovations into viable solutions and Hands-On Experience – engaging learners in applying theoretical knowledge to practical tasks through experiments and collaboration with peers.
Our students have the opportunity to deepen their mathematical understanding through participation in various mathematics competitions, which challenge them to apply their knowledge in dynamic and competitive environments. Additionally, they engage in Mathematics Theatre, combining mathematical concepts with performing arts to enhance comprehension and communication skills. Furthermore, our program offers students the chance to attend mathematics conferences and seminars across Europe, exposing them to advanced topics and fostering a global perspective on mathematical sciences. By blending creativity, technical skills and entrepreneurial vision, STEAME Education equips learners with the tools to excel in an ever-changing, innovation-driven world. Read More
The Xenion Trophy:
This prize, in the form of a shield, was established in honour of Mr. Georgios A. Zouvanis; father of Mrs. Katelitsa Phylactou, the founder of Xenion High School. The prize is awarded to the graduate who has achieved the highest grade average throughout their studies at Xenion. The winning student’s name is inscribed on the shield, which is kept on display in the school, and the student receives a small replica of the trophy. The silver shield was donated to the school by Mr. Georgios A. Zouvanis.Graduates of Xenion High School obtain:
- An Apolyterion (School Leaving Certificate, which is recognised by the Ministry of Education and Culture)
- Eight IGCSEs
- Four to six A Levels
- ICT Literacy Certificate
- A second foreign language certificate (German, Russian or French)
- International awards, e.g. Duke of Edinburgh
- Participation award for international or national programmes like EYP, Medi.M.U.N.
- Certificate of “Very Good Knowledge of the Greek Language”.

Academic Excellence:
Some of our Pearson Edexel and Cambridge winners. Xenion Students consistently perform at very high levels in these and other international exams. We are very proud of our students’ excellent academic results.Assessment
The school year is divided into two terms. At the end of each, pupils have to sit exams in all subjects. Progress reports are then given to parents to inform them of their children’s efforts and achievements.
‘Student Profiles’ for each subject are given to parents in mid-November and mid-March. These report on pupils’ progress, participation and behaviour. If or when a serious problem arises, the parents of the student(s) involved are informed immediately.
Parents’ meetings are arranged to discuss in greater detail how students are progressing. These take place in mid – term.
Meetings of students with their Head of Year are also held throughout the semester. Heads of Year act as mentors to the students, offering advice and encouragement and acting as problem solver when the need arises, they ensure a high standard of physical and emotional care for all students in their year groups, they monitor and review the progress of students regularly, including reading and checking of profiles, and discussing profiles and grades with the students.
We also have specific Visiting Hours throughout the year, when parents can see their children’s teachers. Teachers assess students’ work in each subject area on a regular basis. Assessment is based on achievement in written tests, class participation, practical exercises, general effort and homework.
The aim is to encourage continual improvement. Other important factors taken into consideration when assessing pupils are: taking initiative in school and out-of-school activities and participation and interest in public affairs. These activities are encouraged, supported and assisted by teachers.
Final Grade
The final grade for any year is the average of the two semesters. For each semester, the term grade counts for 75% and the term exam for 25%.The Grading System | ||
Student assessment grades range from 1-100 | ||
Grade (%) Performance | ||
97-100 Outstanding performance | ||
92.50-96.99 Excellent performance | ||
80-92.49 Very Good performance | ||
70-79.99 Good performance | ||
63-69.99 Satisfactory performance | ||
58-62.99 Weak performance |
Students failing to pass their exams in June are required to re-take them in August. They will move up to the next year only if they achieve satisfactory results (at least 58/100). Students in the first three years will have to repeat a year if they fail in two main subjects (English, Maths, Greek) or four minor subjects or in a combination of one main subject and two minor subjects.Apolyterion
Upon graduation our students receive an “Apolyterion”, school leaving certificate which is recognised by the Ministry of Education as “in correspondence and equivalent” with the Apolyterion of state schools.School Year

School Holidays
- 1st October – Cyprus Independence Day
- 28th October – Anniversary of “OXI”
- Archbishop’s Name Day
- Christmas holidays (from 24th December to 6th January inclusive)
- 30th January – Three Hierarchs Day
- Green Monday (no fixed date – depends on Easter)
- 25th March – Anniversary of the Rebirth of Hellenism
- 1st April – Anniversary of the start of the EOKA Struggle for Freedom
- Easter holidays (from Holy Monday to the Sunday celebrating St. Thomas)
- 1st May – Labour Day
- Pentecost – The Cataclysm
- 11th June – St Barnabas’ Day
School Uniform
Xenion High School’s uniform policy is designed to promote equality among students and encourage students to experience a greater sense of school pride, identity and belonging.
The uniform consists of:
- White shirt or polo shirt
- Blue trousers (or skirt for girls)
- Blue socks (white socks to be worn with skirt for girls)
- Black leather shoes (black trainers are only permitted during P.E.)
- Maroon jumper
- Blue jacket for winter
- Maroon blazer
- Tie and Beret

Student Representatives
Each year, elections are held to choose officers of the Student Council and form class representatives. Each form class elects a President, Vice-President and Treasurer, who are responsible for organizing class events and representing the views of their classmates to both management and the Central Student Council.
The Central Student Council is elected by the whole school and consists of a President, Vice-President, Events Officer and Treasurer, all of whom are senior school students. A Lower School Representative is also elected. All Class Presidents are also members of the Central Student Council. The Student Council is active in organizing fund-raising events for charity. It also runs social events and special, themed days at school. Election is by secret ballot.
At Xenion, we are committed to preparing our students for a future that is increasingly shaped by technology. By embracing innovation, we empower them with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. Join us on this exciting journey where education meets technology, paving the way for a brighter and more connected future for our students.
Empowering Year 1 Students: A Leap into Digital Learning
All Year 1 students receive personal school laptops as part of our initiative to modernize teaching. This change embraces innovative digital tools to enrich learning experiences. By incorporating technology in the classroom, we foster creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking. At the same time, we focus on building essential digital literacy skills, preparing students for the challenges of a fast-paced digital landscape. Together, we are shaping a future-ready educational environment generation.Digital Classrooms:
Say goodbye to traditional chalkboards and hello to interactive smartboards! Our classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, fostering an engaging and dynamic learning experience. Teachers utilize interactive displays, multimedia content, and collaborative tools to make lessons come alive, ensuring students are actively involved in the learning process.
Personalized Learning:
No two students learn alike, and our technology-driven approach recognizes and caters to individual learning styles. Adaptive learning platforms and personalized content help students progress at their own speed, ensuring a customizeda educational experience that meets their unique needs and strengths.
E-Learning Platforms:
Learning doesn’t stop when the bell rings. Our e-learning platforms powered by Microsoft, empower students to access educational materials, assignments, and resources anytime, anywhere. Whether it’s reviewing lessons, submitting assignments, or participating in virtual discussions, our students have the flexibility to learn at their own pace and convenience.Parent-Teacher Communication:
We believe in fostering a strong partnership between educators and parents. Our online portals and communication platforms keep parents informed about their child’s progress, upcoming events, and school updates. Real-time access to grades, attendance records, and communication channels ensure a collaborative approach to a student’s education.SCOLARSHIP SCHEME
Entrance Exams Scholarships
The first 5 students in order of academic achievement admitted to Year 1 are awarded an Entrance Exam Scholarship.
Scholarships for extra-curricular activities
5 Scholarship for extra-curricular activities will be awarded to students admitted to Year 1 for their achievements /participation in local and international competitions, sports, music, art as well as their engagement in activism, volunteering etc.
Academic Performance & Conduct Scholarships
The top 3 students from each year group (based on the weighted year average grade) in Years 1 to 7 are awarded an Academic Achievement Scholarship subject to their conduct being excellent.
Internal Exams
School examinations are organised twice a year for all subjects (Semester 1 and Semester 2). Some subsidiary subjects are examined during the second last week of lessons but the majority of them are examined during the pre-set timetable.
Exams timetables are prepared well in advance before the start of the academic year by the school management, the exams office and Heads of Faculty. The early preparation of the timetable allows students to view the dates of their exams when they receive their diary, early in the start of the year. Every examination is set to ensure that students will be assessed on the material they have been taught so that they perform at the best level possible. Candidates undertaking exams should plan their time very carefully in order to revise as efficiently and effectively as possible. On the day of the exam students should be aware of the rules and regulations. No candidate is allowed to miss an exam without parents giving prior notice (Written and oral) and/or that of a doctor (if needed) and without approval of the Head of Exams and Xenion Director. Upon approval of absence the candidate must take the exam(s) on the next designated exam window date which will be decided by the school management and the Exams Office. Failure to verify absence from an exam will result in a Zero mark (0).Results and awards:
Results of school examinations are reviewed by the school management. Top achievers are awarded during our annual award ceremony held at the school’s amphitheatre at the end of June.External Examinations
For all of the above, the school has to comply with strict rules and regulations monitored by frequent inspections from all the above mentioned examination boards in order to maintain a high quality standard in the procedures taking place but also to ensure all of our candidates experience the level of equality and fairness as to perform at their best level possible.
Each exam board produces a timetable for all of their subjects offered on that exam session (i.e May/June). The timetable provided is known approximately 3-5 months in advance and shows exact subject codes (i.e. short answer questions – 11), the date of the exam (according to the paper), duration, and if it’s a morning or afternoon examination – am or pm). The school itself produces an examinations timetable where all examinations from all boards are compiled showing exact times and room location. The school timetable for external exams will be published on our website ( a couple of weeks before the exam period starts. It will also be available to view on our Xenion Education Facebook page and sent to students as a document via email. It will also be available to view on a notice board in the Amphitheatre foyer, late changes to rooms and times might apply so candidates should always consult the notice board and our website the day before. In cases of clashes (more than 1 exam taking place on the same date and time) please see the Exams Office for further information.
Application Forms:
Our school students complete their application forms at the school with the help and guidance of their teachers and the Exams Office. Each examination board will prepare a different application form for students to complete. Different examination sessions also exist for these boards (October/November series, January series, May/June series). Application forms will be provided well in advance for students but they are reminded that deadlines should be kept as stated.
Please also be aware that not all subjects are available to sit at every exam series.
Special access arrangements:
All of the examination boards agree to special access arrangements that a candidate might require. Have in mind that all candidates requesting access arrangements must do so well in advance before the deadlines of their application forms. In most cases a recent medical certificate is requested. For more details on what can be requested please contact the Exams Office.