School examinations are organised twice a year for all subjects (Semester 1 and Semester 2). Some subsidiary subjects are examined during the second last week of lessons but the majority of them are examined during the pre-set timetable. 


Exams timetables are prepared well in advance before the start of the academic year by the school management, the exams office and Heads of Faculty. The early preparation of the timetable allows students to view the dates of their exams when they receive their diary, early in the start of the year. Every examination is set to ensure that students will be assessed on the material they have been taught so that they perform at the best level possible. Candidates undertaking exams should plan their time very carefully in order to revise as efficiently and effectively as possible. On the day of the exam students should be aware of the rules and regulations. No candidate is allowed to miss an exam without parents giving prior notice (Written and oral) and/or that of a doctor (if needed) and without approval of the Head of Exams and Xenion Director. Upon approval of absence the candidate must take the exam(s) on the next designated exam window date which will be decided by the school management and the Exams Office. Failure to verify absence from an exam will result in a Zero mark (0).

Results and awards:

Results of school examinations are reviewed by the school management. Top achievers are awarded during our annual award ceremony held at the school’s amphitheatre at the end of June.
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