For all of the above, the school has to comply with strict rules and regulations monitored by frequent inspections from all the above mentioned examination boards in order to maintain a high quality standard in the procedures taking place but also to ensure all of our candidates experience the level of equality and fairness as to perform at their best level possible.


Each exam board produces a timetable for all of their subjects offered on that exam session (i.e May/June). The timetable provided is known approximately 3-5 months in advance and shows exact subject codes (i.e. short answer questions – 11), the date of the exam (according to the paper), duration, and if it’s a morning or afternoon examination – am or pm). The school itself produces an examinations timetable where all examinations from all boards are compiled showing exact times and room location. The school timetable for external exams will be published on our website (www.xenion.ac.cy) a couple of weeks before the exam period starts.  It will also be available to view on our Xenion Education Facebook page and sent to students as a document via email. It will also be available to view on a notice board in the Amphitheatre foyer, late changes to rooms and times might apply so candidates should always consult the notice board and our website the day before. In cases of clashes (more than 1 exam taking place on the same date and time) please see the Exams Office for further information.

Application Forms:

Our school students complete their application forms at the school with the help and guidance of their teachers and the Exams Office. Each examination board will prepare a different application form for students to complete. Different examination sessions also exist for these boards (October/November series, January series, May/June series). Application forms will be provided well in advance for students but they are reminded that deadlines should be kept as stated.

Please also be aware that not all subjects are available to sit at every exam series.

Special access arrangements:

All of the examination boards agree to special access arrangements that a candidate might require. Have in mind that all candidates requesting access arrangements must do so well in advance before the deadlines of their application forms. In most cases a recent medical certificate is requested. For more details on what can be requested please contact the Exams Office.

Results and awards:

Examinations results in general are released approximately 6 weeks after the end of an exam session. The Exams Office will notify the candidates of the exact date of their release. For Cambridge International Examinations students will receive a confidential username and password which they will use to access their results. For Pearson/Edexcel candidates or parents of candidates must come to the school in person in order to receive their results. We cannot, by any means, give Pearson/ Edexcel results over the telephone or by email. Examination boards award students who have achieved exceptional results during their exams. Students who perform at exceptional level can receive an award of ‘High Achievement’, ‘Top in Cyprus’, ‘Top in the world’ in their specific subject.

Information for candidates:

The Xenion Exams Office has prepared a detailed guide for students to read and follow for every exam they have.
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